Announcements (Wednesday, 7 Oct 2015)

image00141. The Intermediate Course on Buddhism will run for 6 consecutive Fridays from 8.30pm to 10.00pm until 6 November 2015. The Course will be conducted by Uncle Vijaya, Datuk Charlie Chia and Dr Chan Kah Yein. The course will cover Buddhist views on contemporary issues and Buddhist living. On this Friday (9 Oct) the topic is “Dealing with Challenging People” by Dr. Chan. On next Friday (16th Oct), the topic is “Beginning & Endings of Worlds” by Uncle Vijaya. All are welcome. Please contact Sis Cindy at 03-56348181 for further details.

2. This year’s Kathina Ceremony will be held on Sunday, 8 November 2015. Kathina is a traditional Buddhist Ceremony started by the Buddha Himself for lay devotees to offer robes and other requisites to the Sangha at the end of Vassa (rainy season).

The Ceremony will begin on Kathina Eve (7 November 2015) with Taking The Three Refuges & Five Precepts before the Sangha at 8.00pm followed by Paritta Chanting, Dhamma Talk, Blessings by the Sangha and Sharing of Merits.

On Kathina Day, the Ceremony will commence at 8.15am with the Taking of the Three Refuges and Observance of the Five Precepts administered by the Sangha, Offering of Robes and other Requisites, Sharing of Merits and Lunch Dana. A blood donation campaign will also be held on this auspicious day. Please come and join us to perform these meritorious deeds together.

3. This year’s Annual Vipassana Meditation Retreat will be held at SJBA from 18th to 27th December 2013. The Retreat will be conducted by Venerable Sayadaw U Sobhita from Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre, assisted by our Abbot, Ven. Nyanaramsi. If you wish to join in the retreat as yogi or wish to a helper or sponsor food for the monks and yogis, and other expenses during the Retreat, please contact our Office Administrator.

4. This Sunday’s Dhamma Talk (11/10/15, 10am) will be given by Ven. Mahacara who is residing in SJBA for the Vassa (Rains Retreat). During this 3-month period, Venerable Mahacara will be cultivating himself in SJBA Vihara as well as teaching devotees the Dhamma.

5. This Sunday’s Dhamma Talk in Mandarin (11/10/15, 11.30am) is on “Inspirational Stories” by Sis Tan Yee Yong. Sis Tan Yee Yong graduated with Bachelor of Science in Computer Sience and MBA. She obtained MA in Buddhist Studies from IBC, Thailand. She is now a Dhamma committee member of SJBA.
这个星期日的讲题是” 人生小故事”, 讲师是陈玉容居士. 玉容居士持有科学学士学位及商业硕士学 位,在商业界工作。她曾经是我们首邦再也佛教会青年组主席,及佛法小组组长 ,在学佛路上, 她 持有佛教文凭及国际佛教大学佛教研究文科硕士 。目前她是我们首邦再也佛教会 佛法委会小组成.

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